Tutorials & How-Tos

Things to avoid to save cost for your next event

What to Take Up:

Prioritise Must-Have Elements: Identify essential elements of the event that align with the client’s objectives and prioritise allocating budget to these areas. Focus on aspects that directly contribute to the event’s success, such as venue, catering, and entertainment.

Negotiate with Vendors: Encourage clients to negotiate with vendors to secure competitive pricing, discounts, or package deals. Leverage the client’s purchasing power and consider bundling services or negotiating flexible payment terms to maximise savings.

Opt for Off-Peak Dates and Times: Choosing off-peak dates and times for the event can result in cost savings, as venues and vendors may offer lower rates during non-peak periods. Consider scheduling events on weekdays or during less popular seasons to take advantage of reduced pricing.

Utilise In-House Resources: Explore opportunities to leverage in-house resources or existing assets to reduce costs. For example, use internal staff or volunteers for event support roles, utilise company-owned equipment or facilities, or repurpose existing marketing materials and décor.

Embrace Technology: Embrace technology to streamline event processes and reduce costs. Consider utilising event management software, digital invitations, virtual or hybrid event formats, and online registration platforms to minimise printing, postage, and administrative expenses.

What Not to Take Up:

Over-the-Top Décor: While décor can enhance the ambiance of an event, excessive or elaborate decorations can quickly inflate costs. Encourage clients to opt for simple, tasteful décor that complements the event theme without breaking the budget.

Unnecessary Extras: Avoid unnecessary add-ons or premium upgrades that may not significantly enhance the attendee experience. Focus on delivering value-added services and experiences that align with the event objectives and budget constraints.

Customised or Personalised Items: Customised or personalised items such as branded merchandise, favours, or gifts can be costly and may not always provide a significant return on investment. Consider alternatives such as generic items or digital giveaways that offer value without the added expense of customization.

Excessive Food and Beverage Options: While food and beverage are essential components of any event, offering an extensive menu or premium selections can drive up costs. Opt for budget-friendly catering options, simplify menu choices, and consider alternatives such as buffet-style service or limited drink options to control expenses.

What Should Be Left as It Is No Longer Up to Trend:

Traditional Printed Materials: Traditional printed materials such as elaborate invitations, programs, and handouts are becoming less common in today’s digital age. Encourage clients to prioritise digital communication channels and minimise printing costs by opting for electronic invitations, event apps, and online agendas.

Costly Entertainment Acts: High-cost entertainment acts or performers may not always be necessary to captivate attendees. Consider alternatives such as local talent, DJ services, or interactive experiences that offer entertainment value without the premium price tag.

Extravagant Venues: While impressive venues can create a memorable setting for an event, they often come with a hefty price tag. Encourage clients to explore alternative venue options such as non-traditional spaces, outdoor locations, or budget-friendly venues that offer flexibility and cost savings without compromising on quality.

By following these tips and guiding clients to make informed decisions, event planners can help save costs without sacrificing the overall success and impact of the event. Encourage clients to focus on the elements that matter most, negotiate effectively with vendors, and embrace cost-effective strategies to deliver a memorable event experience within their budget constraints.